
An Offering of Love & Service – Premaarpitham

Inspired by the life and message of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sri Sathya Sai Premaarpitham Foundation was founded in July 2020 as a collaborative platform to touch and transform lives of people. The Covid-19 pandemic had gripped the world then, and the Foundation helped many like-minded individuals get together and serve society when it was most needed. The service initiatives were rooted in Bhagawan’s ‘Live to Love & Live to Serve’ philosophy. As a result, not only did the receivers get basic needs such as hunger and thirst fulfilled, they inculcated a feeling of belongingness, love and care. As for the volunteers, we experienced the absolute joy of giving, sharing and receiving. 

The Narayan Seva, the Foundation’s flagship programme, started and took shape soon. We started out with weekly food distribution drive and then ramped up tp daily drives, serving over thousand meals a day! The entire experience was very fulfilling and brought to fore realities of life that most of us as cocooned from. For instance, the anticipation in the beneficiaries’ eyes, the smile on their faces as we disembark and the yearning & hope that good things were happening for them would always be some of our biggest takeaways from the service opportunities. It brought a whole new meaning to our lives and kindled in all us a sense of gratitude for everything we have. The so-called poor people taught us important life lessons. They never took more food than what they needed, always enquired about our wellbeing, and showered us with  unconditional love every time we visited them. It left an indelible impact on us! 

In the last two years, with Bhagawan’s abundant love and blessings, we have fed more than five lakh beneficiaries. And these have not been in easy times. It has come to fruition despite several deterrents during one of the most challenging crises the world has seen – the Covid-19 pandemic. Bhagawan has always emphasized that  ‘the whole world is one family’ or ‘
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam‘, and love and service is the only path to get there. To all of us, the pandemic only re-iterated this message and expanded our definition of family. After all, the virus/ troubles didn’t distinguish between the rich and the poor. Why should we then? When a person suffers, it brings the family down; when a group of people suffer, it brings the community down; when the world suffers, it brings the whole society down. 

Seva is truly love in action, a selfless service with no expectation. Bhagawan often would say how when we wash the vegetables, we should pray that we wash away the sins of those who partake of that food; when we cut the vegetables, we should cut their grief, sorrow and pain of the people;  when we cook, do so with God’s name on our lips, and intend to transfer the cosmic energy; when we pack the food, pack with love and care for those in need of it. And when we serve like that, we will realize divinity.

Premaarpitham is the platform, scope and opportunity for it. Let’s join hands today for a better tomorrow for all of us.

~ Team Sathya Vachan

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