
When Love Came Calling

Some days are etched in our hearts forever. October 22, 2022, will stay forever in our collective hearts. 

As a part of the ‘Live to Love’ initiative in Bangalore, we visited the children and the older women at the Bharathiya Grameen Mahila Sangh. We spent our time and day with them, sharing some love, and laughter, and making happy memories for them. Or so we thought! For we came back fuller, happier and joyous. The children’s hearty laughter, eager participation in the games we played with them, and encouragement for the little efforts we put in cannot really be described in words. Even the older women were very enthusiastic. They sang with us, shared their life stories and accepted us as their own.

Love, it is said, is priceless. It cannot be bought. And yet, it was so freely available amidst these children and women. Parting with them at the end of our programme wasn’t easy. The children expressed their sadness that we were leaving and allowed us to go only when we said we would try and come to see them soon. 

There was this four-year-old girl, who stood next to one of the volunteers, holding his hand, tears in her eyes, unable to express her feelings. That moment defined the oneness and love that’s inherent and connects each of us!

We had to get back to the grind and reality of our lives. But that few hours we spent with these children and women has put everything else in perspective. Our lives are a gift, and to truly live it’s value, we must live to love, just like the children and women of the Bharathiya Grameen Mahila Sangh.

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