
Uyyamballi School Students Receive Free Medical Checkups

Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam, a rural multi-specialty healthcare centre in the Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalayam campus, came alive with a multitude of activities as it hosted a medical camp for the children of Uyyamballi village.

Inspired by the life and message of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the hospital initiated a free medical camp for the students of Uyyamballi Government School, providing comprehensive health check-ups and high-quality medical treatment to the young boys and girls of the village.

Enthusiastic participation: a transformative experience for 10th grade students

A dedicated team of doctors and medical staff conducted thorough examinations of 32 boys and girls, leaving no aspect of health untouched. Dr Manoj, Medical Officer at Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam led the comprehensive health check up of each child, which included routine general physical examination, evaluation of oral hygiene, complete examination of all systems, blood grouping, and vision screening for refractive errors.

Dr Manoj, Medical Officer, Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam checking the student’s medical report

Eye-opening experiences: vision screening and the gift of clearer sight

Eye check-ups, facilitated by optometrists Sowmya G and Vasantha G from Aloka Vision Programme, proved to be a transformative experience for many. India’s state of ocular healthcare, which is often ignored, needs much improvement. Children were screened for eye conditions, and those in need were provided with vision correction aids as per prescription.

Revealing the unknown: the excitement of discovering blood group identity

One notable aspect of the health camp was the blood grouping exercise conducted by the lab technicians. For most children, this was a revelation as they were unaware of their blood group earlier. While there were initial apprehensions over getting pricked by the needle, it soon turned into excitement as they learned about the significance of knowing their blood type.

Fostering conversations: promoting health & hygiene in a friendly manner

While waiting for their individual check-ups, the volunteers engaged in friendly conversations with the children about maintaining good health and hygiene. These interactions helped the children learn simple hacks and practices for good health.

The medical camp came to a close with a hearty nutritious meal at the Annalayam.

A journey to a healthier future: all grades to benefit from the medical camp

The medical camp’s success sets the stage for an even more profound impact. In the weeks to come, all the children from 1st to 10th grade at Uyyamballi Government School will undergo health check-ups at Vaidyalayam.

Happy faces leaving the campus

As we extend our hands to those less fortunate, we hope and pray for a world where access to quality healthcare is not a privilege but a right for all. We pray that every child, woman, and man, regardless of their background or circumstances, can embrace a life filled with health, happiness, and well-being.

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