
A Healing Journey Unveiled in the Heart of Bommasandra

On a serene December morning, our volunteers embarked on a mission to connect with the tribal residents of Madiwala village as a part of the Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini initiative. Little did they know that this outreach would lead them to a hidden gem – the tribal community of Bommasandra, nestled deep within the Kanakapura forest range.

In an effort to reach out and connect with the tribals of Bommsandra, our volunteers sought the help of Madiwala residents. And thus commenced an exploratory journey, leading to the precise location of this settlement.

“The moment we heard about the nearby village, we didn’t wait another moment. Alongside volunteer brothers and locals, we set out looking for the village,” explained one of the volunteers at Sri Sathya Sai Premaarpitham Foundation.

A look into Bommasandra Village

A Tale of Resilience – Govindappa’s Struggle and Hope

After locating Bommasandra, our volunteers visited the village with freshly-made hot breakfast. The villagers gathered joyously, extending a warm welcome to everyone. While interacting with the tribals, they heard about an elderly villager in their community who was bedridden for many months.

68-year old Govindappa had always been healthy and fit. But he fell ill six months ago and had since been bedridden, having lost movement in both his hands and legs.

Suspecting nerve-related issues, the villagers had undertaken the arduous journey to take him to the nearest Primary Healthcare Centre in Doddaalahalli, some 25 kilometers away. But the subsequent referral to NIMHANS Hospital in Bengaluru initiated a series of challenges. Despite the villagers’ persistent efforts, finding the right doctor had proven elusive, leaving Govindappa without proper help and consultation for the past six months.

Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini – A Lifeline Extended

Facing the complexities of Govindappa’s ailment, our medical team, as part of the Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini initiative, swiftly intervened.

On examining Govindappa, they realized the urgent need for guidance and assistance. Stepping into action, the team, with the family’s approval, arranged for Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam’s ambulance to transfer him to the hospital.

“The family had challenges with availing needed healthcare services due to poor access and affordability. The family had already spent a lot of time and whatever  money they had on his treatment. Swami’s hospital- Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam and the team was a ray of hope for them to avail quality healthcare and necessary consultations from the specialists at NIMHANS at the right time totally free of cost” said Dr Gajanan.

At the Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam, Govindappa was examined thoroughly to understand the underlying cause of his condition. The doctors then offered guidance on the necessary steps for further testing at NIMHANS Hospital, and facilitated his transfer to NIMHANS Hospital in Bengaluru, where he underwent other required tests.

Govindappa’s journey took a positive turn with medical attention and support. Back home and recovering, Govindappa was gifted a wheelchair by the Sri Sathya Sai Premaarpitham Foundation when he expressed his desire to go outside in the morning to watch the sunrise and see his grandchildren play.

Govindappa on his new wheelchair

Expressing profound gratitude and appreciation for his newfound mobility, a smiling Govindappa said, “I have never felt so supported in my entire life. Now, in my wheelchair, I see my grandchildren learning bhajans and singing with all the volunteers every weekend. It makes my heart swell with pride.”

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