Ganesha Chaturthi was celebrated with profound devotion and traditional fervour at Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam. The day began with a sacred Abhishekam and Alankaram of Sri Sathyaatmatva Mahaganapathy, and transitioned to a splendid Pallaki Utsavam and a series of cultural events in the evening.
Sacred Abhishekam of Sri Sathyaatmatva Mahaganapathy
The Ganesha Chaturthi festivities commenced with a resplendent Abhishekam for Sri Sathyaatmatva Mahaganapathy. Devotees watched in reverence as the deity was lovingly bathed with milk, curd, honey, ghee, and an array of fruits. Each offering created a moment of divine connection, leaving attendees feeling deeply blessed by the sacred spectacle. The air filled with the fragrant essence of turmeric, vibhuti, kumkum, and sandalwood as they were reverently presented.
The ceremony reached its pinnacle with an exquisite Alankaram of Sri Sathyaatmatva Mahaganapathy and the Purnahuti of the Sahasra Modaka Homa, while devotional bhajans and the melodious strains of nadaswaram music elevated the spiritual atmosphere.
After the Abhishekam, a variety of traditional delicacies were offered to the Lord. The morning’s events concluded with maha mangala aarti and partaking of prasadam.
Evening Celebrations: Pallaki Procession and Cultural Festivities
The evening of Ganesha Chaturthi brought forth the traditional Pallaki Utsavam, a feast for the senses and nourishment for the spirit. The grand procession featured the Utsava Murthy of Sathyaatmatva Mahaganapathy, carried reverently in an ornate pallaki around the Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam grounds. Accompanied by the sacred chants of Vedic hymns, the melodious strains of Nadaswaram and Thavil, and the joyous chorus of devotional bhajans, the procession embodied the divine love and bliss of Lord Ganesha, inspiring devotion in all who witnessed it.
The evening continued with the felicitation of winners from the Mehendi competition held during the Sri Varamahalakshmi celebrations. This was followed by the recognition of team Rukmini, winners of the Krishna Leela games.
The festivities concluded with a melodious music programme by the Geeta Sudha team. The performance, featuring soulful renditions of “Gajananayutam Ganeshwaram,” “Chandrachooda Shiva Shankara,” “Sri Chakra Rajeshwari,” and “Vaje Mrudanga Taal Veena,” provided a fitting end to the day’s spiritual celebrations.
The Ganesha Chaturthi celebrations at Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam ended with the Maha Mangala Aarathi and the distribution of Prasadam, leaving all participants with hearts full of joy and devotion.