
Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini Extends Reach to Nallahalli Doddi

The Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini recently conducted a medical camp in the village of Nallahalli Doddi, located in the Shivagiri Kshetra. The staff of Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam and volunteers set out early in the morning for the village. The day’s programme commenced with a healthy breakfast served to the villagers. The medical camp then officially began following prayers to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 

While volunteers efficiently registered the patients, doctors conducted thorough examinations, and lab technicians collected samples for further analysis. Comprehensive notes were meticulously taken regarding the further specialised medical needs of the people, and plans to address them are already underway. Overall, it was a day dedicated to the joy of service, and everyone partook in the shared bliss, making the experience all the more memorable.

Nallahalli Doddi and its People

Nallahalli Doddi, a village situated within the Uyyamballi panchayat and in close proximity to Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam, is home to nearly 300 residents. The majority of the village’s population consists of farmers engaged in sericulture. The villagers are high-spirited and keenly aware of their health needs and concerns. Education is highly valued in the village, evident from the consistent attendance of children in school with no dropouts reported. Many children from the village pursue higher education and secure promising jobs. However, despite their awareness of medical needs, accessibility to healthcare remains a challenge, particularly for the elderly, as the nearest hospital is located 25 kilometres away in Kanakapura, making healthcare a significant concern.

A Wholesome Breakfast to Start the Day

The volunteers arrived at the village of Nallahalli Doddi in the early hours, carrying piping hot breakfast to start the day. The children of the village, who regularly receive nutritious breakfasts at their Yellagalli Government school through the Foundation’s Prema Dayini initiative, were overjoyed to see the familiar truck pulling in. A palpable wave of excitement swept through them as they eagerly inquired if they could assist in serving breakfasts to their fellow villagers gathered for the medical camp. With beaming smiles, volunteers and residents alike ate together, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Villagers Enthusiastically Participated in the Medical Camp

The villagers of Nallahalli Doddi exhibited tremendous support in organising the medical camp. The village head generously offered the community hall of the local temple as the venue and took the initiative to spread awareness about the camp in his village and neighbouring areas. Additionally, the youth of the village actively assisted the volunteers by visiting every household and informing residents about the upcoming medical camp.

Medical camp proceeds with clockwork precision

Upon arrival, villagers were registered for the medical camp by the volunteers, who measured the height, weight, blood pressure, and oxygen levels of each patient. Following registration, the patients were queued up, awaiting their turn to consult with the doctors.

The doctors from Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam examined each patient, assessing for any ailments and listening to their concerns. The villagers were happy to receive medical attention in their own village and expressed gratitude to the doctors. As the examinations continued, the nurse documented notes about cases needing further specialist consultation. Many villagers voiced concerns regarding eye issues, needing cataract surgeries and spectacles. The doctors listened to their concerns and conducted examinations. To address these needs, an eye camp will be organised at the Vaidyalayam hospital in the coming weeks.

As consultations ended, doctors prescribed and gave free medication with dosage instructions to patients. For those needing further blood tests, lab technicians collected blood samples to be analysed later at the Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam lab.

The medical camp concluded with the offering of Aarathi to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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