
Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini Offers a Medical Camp at Bennegudlu Village

The doctors, staff, and volunteers from Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam set out in the early morning hours to conduct a medical camp in Bennegudlu village, about 10 kilometres from the ashram premises. This marked the inaugural trip for the volunteers in the newly-launched bus of Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam. Brimming with joy, they travelled together, united in their mission to carry out Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings of unconditional love and service to all.

After partaking in a wholesome breakfast prasadam in the village, the medical camp was established on the premises of the village library. The welcoming villagers and panchayat members turned out in large numbers, availing themselves of the medical services and expressing heartfelt gratitude to the doctors. General medical consultations were conducted, and lab tests were administered for follow-up specialist consultations.

Situated approximately 10 kilometres away from the Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam ashram, the village of Bennegudlu is home to a population of 500 people. The majority of the villagers are engaged in agricultural activities and construction work, while a few have secured employment opportunities in the nearby city of Bangalore. Notably, the village boasts a commendable literacy rate, with very few instances of students dropping out of school.

The panchayat members and villagers welcomed the medical camp initiatives with open arms. They eagerly offered the village’s library premises to host the camp. The villagers turned out in great numbers, expressing their gratitude to the volunteers for informing them about the camp the day before. As soon as the volunteers brought the prasadam, villagers flocked in large numbers for breakfast, enjoying the blessed food together.

The medical camp saw a steady stream of villagers after breakfast, as they registered themselves for the long-awaited health screening. Volunteers meticulously noted their vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, height, and weight, before ushering them into queues for doctor consultations. Patiently, each patient was called in for a comprehensive medical evaluation.

Over 105 villagers, predominantly middle-aged and elderly individuals, availed the camp’s services. The major medical concerns revolved around eye care, hypertension, diabetes, skin allergies, and orthopaedic ailments. The doctors diligently provided the necessary medication, accompanied by clear instructions on dosage and guidance on recommended blood tests for those requiring specialist consultations.

As the camp drew to a close, arrangements were made for follow-up consultations with specialists in the coming weeks, tailored to the specific medical needs identified during the initial consultations. Additionally, patients who had previously benefited from the Eye Health Camp organised by Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam received follow-up consultations, ensuring continuity of care.

The medical camp proved to be a resounding success, offering comprehensive healthcare services to the rural community and addressing their diverse medical needs with utmost care and professionalism. 

The medical camp concluded with the offering of Mangal Arathi to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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