After the grand birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the volunteers at Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam started the Kshema Dayini seva initiative at a humble village– Madiwala on 26th November, with the infinite blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
About Madiwala Village
In stark contrast to the bustling market of Madiwala in the heart of Bangalore city, the isolated village of Madiwala lies nestled within the Muguru forest, 20 kilometres beyond Uyyamballi village where Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam is situated. Accessible only via an inadequate mud road, served by a bus making just two trips a day, and lacking network connectivity, the Madiwala village, consisting of approximately 145 people, remains entirely cut off from basic healthcare accessibility. Most families lack a steady income and rely on rearing goats, yet the loss of these animals renders their livelihoods unsustainable and precarious. Villagers, including mothers with young children, subsist on just two meagre meals a day.
Beginning a relationship of selfless love and service
Through the four Dayini initiatives– Sri Sathya Sai Kshema Dayini, Prema Dayini, Gyana Dayini and Shubha Dayini initiatives, the Sri Sathya Sai Premaarpitham Foundation aims to transform the lives of the villagers, by treating them physically through medical services, by upskilling them to provide sustainable alternative livelihoods, by improving their hygiene and nutrition, and most of all spreading love and hope for a better future, with the blessings of Bhagawan.
With the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the volunteers started with a medical camp for all the villagers of Madiwala. The Kshema Dayini Ambulance, equipped with all the necessary tools, was driven along with Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam’s team of doctors to Madiwala village in the early hours of the morning.
Spreading love through the Sri Sathya Sai Prema Dayini initiative: Partaking a nutritious breakfast together
About 78 villagers, more than half the village population, assembled at a small community centre in the village for breakfast and medical camp. As a part of the Sri Sathya Sai Prema Dayini initiative, the day began with a nutritious and hot breakfast prasadam. All villagers and volunteers enjoyed a wholesome meal of Pongal and Kesari Bath together.
Bhajans were sung after partaking in the prasadam. Everyone gathered from the village joined in repeating the bhajans, clapping along with joy. It was truly a happy start to the day.
Doctors of Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam conduct a medical camp at Madiwala Village
The medical camp began afterwards, first with the aged members and mothers with young children, and was followed by the rest of the villagers.The doctors screened all the villagers for any existing ailments and checked their vitals.Blood samples were taken for lab tests. Vision screening was also done to assess the basic problems while detailed notes were taken for all the specialised medical requirements. Specialist consultation at Sri Sathya Sai Vaidyalayam was planned for those people who were in need.
The medical camp continued till 2 PM in the afternoon and the villagers and volunteers also partook in lunch prasadam together. Post the medical camp another follow up visit was done on 30th November, Thursday, where lab reports and additional medicines were provided to patients.
Introduction to the Sri Sathya Sai Shubha Dayini initiative for the sisters of Madiwala village
During the medical camp, volunteers engaged with the women from Madiwala village, proposing opportunities to learn valuable skills such as bag making. They briefed them about the upcoming Shubha Dayini initiative, offering skill training and coaching to create products that could establish a sustainable income source. The women from Madiwala expressed significant interest and enthusiasm in participating in this initiative.
As the volunteers returned to Sri Sathya Sai Vaatsalyam, they reminded themselves of their fortune, realising that the Kshema Dayini and Shubha Dayini programmes were not just service initiatives but everyone’s collective responsibility to the society and country.